Parenting in a Digital Age (with Nathan Sutherland)

There is "tool tech" such as shovels, violins, and 3D Printers, and then there is "drool tech," which pervades digital space. How do we raise our children well in the midst of these devices fueling distraction and depression? How do we promote creativity over consumption? How do we help our kids live from the hope they have in the gospel rather than for the hope offered on screens? This is episode 25 of What Would Jesus Tech.

Nathan Sutherland is the founder of Gospel Tech, an organization that helps parents who are feeling outpaced and overwhelmed as they raise children in a tech world. He joins us today to help us parent well, to set hudges (not walls) with our kids, and to love our kids.

Check out Nathan's website, and download free resources today at:

0:00 - Intro

1:10 - The Story of Gospel Tech

3:35 - Tool Tech vs Drool Tech

7:00 - Operant Conditioning

12:30 - How to audit tech use with RESET

17:03 - Gospel Tech Parenting

20:00 - Lack of tool tech, AI, and the next generation

34:02 - Building a Hedge

46:32 - Movie research

47:20 - Video game research

48:55 - Bible verses to talk about tech

50:08 - What do you do if you've made a parenting tech mistake?


Thanks for listening to What Would Jesus Tech, co-hosted by Andrew Noble and Joel Jacob. To learn more about the podcast or to support us financially, check out our Patreon page at


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