Digital Addiction and Rest

For too many of us, a sense of rest is merely aspirational whereas digital addiction is a reality. The "platforms" are built by intelligent minds to serve specific purposes. In the same way scientists once explained the negative impact of cigarettes, in this episode we unpack how digital devices entrap us in their trance, and how to get out. Or at least, how Joel Jacob and Andrew Noble are trying to get out, use technology for good, and find our rest in God. This is episode 26 of What Would Jesus Tech.

0:00 - Intro

2:10 - How Tech Is Designed

6:15 - How We Get Addicted

10:35 - Social Media Companies Aren't Evil (necessarily)

14:30 - Joel gets called out for not changing routines

22:15 - Getting out of the digital addiction spiral


The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg

How To Start a Startup - Tarun Agarwal

You Are Not Your Own - Alan Noble

You're Only Human - Kelly Kapic

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How To NOT Get Hacked


Parenting in a Digital Age (with Nathan Sutherland)