Technology Literacy 101

Technology Literacy 101, with Keith Plummer

A Christian theology of technology sees both the good and bad in technology; the ways it creates blessings and instills burdens. The Bible has plenty to say about technology. In fact, the bible says that humanity has a technological impulse that began when we were created and will continue into eternity.

To help us unpack Christian Technology Literacy 101, we're glad to be joined by Dr. Keith Plummer. He is the Yoda of Technology & Discipleship with the voice of Darth Vader.

Dr. Keith Plummer teaches Apologetics, Introduction to Christian Theology, and Technology & Christian Discipleship. Before teaching at Cairn, Dr. Plummer served as associate pastor for 18 years. He is a fellow of the Keller center, the dean of the School of Divinity at Cairn University. You can follow him on X.

YouTube thumbnail co-created with ChatGPT. (Yes, it's uncanny. We know.)

For those new to WWJT --

we are on a journey to reconcile our love of tech with our love of Jesus... all three of us as hosts have worked or currently work in tech: Joel Jacob (Splunk - IoT, Robotics, AI), Andrew Noble (Plum - SaaS, AI), and Austin Gravely (TGC - Socials, Marketing).

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