4. Money, Bitcoin, and Jesus

To understand a Christian view of tech we must unpack a Biblical view of money.

In this episode, Joel (the Tech Futurist) brings Andrew up to speed on the history of money (2:30) and Bitcoin (8:50). Then we dive into: what Jesus says about money (17:55), not letting money dictate the mission (24:40), giving to your local church (28:30), and the parable of the talents (32:22). Sorry for the slight delay - we both got sick (mild COVID).


Alastair Roberts' Gospel of Matthew commentary

NIV Audio Bible from Biblegateway.com

Gospel Patterns by John Rinehart

A Historical Survey of how Christianity has viewed Money - Christianity Today


5. Does optimizing your home make life worse? Smart homes and thermostats


3. Limits (with Scott MacLellan)