2. The Morality of the Metaverse

There are many promises of the Metaverse - promises of connection, engagement, and experience - but will the Metaverse make us more or less like the humanity God created us to be? It comes down to tradeoffs. The Metaverse offers significant improvements compared to current technologies (that most Christians already use!) but will their ease of use be one of their downfalls? Will they perpetuate the problems with consumerism and expressive individualism? 

In this episode, Andrew and Joel define what the Metaverse is (1:00), how it may just be like yet another place that Christians will inhabit (9:30), how Christianity prioritizes in-person gatherings (15:00), Andy Crouch's perspective on what it means to be human (20:00), and finally, how the church might engage with the Metaverse (39:55).

Show notes:

Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash

Grace in Common podcast How To Be A Modern Christian

Andy Crouch's The Life We're Looking For

Andy Crouch interview with Good Faith Podcast

Biblegateway Audio Bible 1 Corinthians 5

Brad East Tech for normies article

9marks Ministries and their argument against multi-site podcast.


3. Limits (with Scott MacLellan)


1. Mark Zuckerberg and the Meaning of Life