10. Would Jesus Use BeReal?

Social media is constantly changing. BeReal has entered the scene as an alternative to unmanageable Facebook, algorithm-heavy TikTok, and over-polished Instagram. So would Jesus add his disciples on BeReal if he had lived today?

  • 0:00 - Intro

  • 1:35 - Did Joel get fired?

  • 2:24 - What is BeReal?

  • 6:40 - How TikTok is different from BeReal

  • 11:20 - Positives of BeReal

  • 14:30 - Authenticity is good but overrated

  • 16:50 - Why authenticity is overrated

  • 21:45 - Expressive individualism & the Lord's Prayer

  • 24:30 - Creating social media apps in the midst of economic struggle

  • 30:40 - Would Jesus use BeReal?


- Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow (system 1 vs system 2)

- Kranzberg's Laws of Technology

- Luke 12 (fear God rather than man) is the passage Andrew spoke to around 15:00

- Tim Keller on authenticity

- Brian Rosner on how The Lord's Prayer is an Antidote to Expressive Individualism

- Chris Martin on What's The Deal With BeReal

- BeReal Captures Our Nostalgia for a Time When Social Media Was Boring - The New York Times

- Stratechery - Instagram, TikTok, and the Three Trends


11. Yes, Christians Should Use Dating Apps (with Ruth Cuthbert)


9. Following Jesus In a Digital Age (with Jason Thacker)